I don't think Taiwanese has the right to comment other country problem. i went to taiwan, i met a taiwan girl 24 years old. but, she can't define purple and people. she wannna say people but she said purple. XD
correction to that lady guest: when we want to ask a quiet crowd to be quiet, we will say 'DIAM" , not OH~~ALAMAK as what she mention. she is trying to imitate singlish using her taiwanese accented singlish is so damn weird. That singaporean on this show obviously has not been in touch with singlish for quite a period of time and has weird use of singlish like 'lepak' . we dont say 'lepak at home' , we say 'slacking at home' contrary to what most foreigners think singlish is , we dont add 'lah' to every single sentence we say. its really more than that.
Though Singlish might be difficult to understand by other countries due to its fushion characteristics, but what I want to say is, Singaporean's Singlish is actually far more better than Taiwanese's English!
The singer looks like she despised singlish. Well singlish is fun! Even though they are hard to understand if she shouldn't sound rude. And I do not see her speaking very nice English as well.
Although this shows only a minority representative of each country, this is not the first Taiwanese variety show dissing Singaporean English. Which is rather funny given their articulation of the language themselves.. We as a country of many races and of course many languages created Singlish which combines the languages & dialects we speak daily out of laziness or creativity.. Whatever it is, different races understood each other. We really shouldn't have people coming to Singapore a few times talking like they really knew us. And I am seriously intrigued exactly what kind of people did they meet here? Anyway, I'm glad the Singaporean representative didn't embarrass us. He helped admitted some of our silly mistakes and displayed fun in our creation. We speak English AND Singlish as separate languages.
The only reason i can think of is they are only able to understand those singaporeans that speak Singlish. Afterall i doubt any average taiwanese are able to understand or converse with us when we speaks in proper english.
Its just for entertainment. Chill. I like how we Singaporeans and Malaysians can speak Singlish/Manglish to one another (which foreigners will not understand) but we can easily switch over to more standard English should we need to communicate to others. This is something unique to us, we should be proud. Accents may be different, but as long as the conservation is understood, it has served its purpose.
Young Singaporeans and Malaysians generally has a fairly good command of English. Don't see a problem in us communicating with standard English speakers. However those who are not so fluent in English (like Taiwanese) may find it difficult to understand us because of our accent. Well.. but if we choose to speak Singlish or Manglish, chances are no one other than a Singaporean or Malaysian can understand us. Haha, its really fun and unique!
Singapore is largely an English speaking country where kids are schooled in English in all government schools, and a lot of people speak English at home in Singapore.
Whoever don't understand singlish show that you are not Singaporean or Malaysian. We can speak and write in proper English. English is like the easier language to learn than Mandarin, except grammar.
Linda Chan Agree. That singapore rep must have been away for too long. Even his english is less fluent and hesitant than most of us here. And his pronunciation of the leh and lah is not how we singaporeans pronounce in different sentences. That taiwanese woman also got it wrong. Singlish is about economy of words. Like you say, "diam" would suffice, instead of all that mouthful of words. If use Singlish still so "lor sor" (cantonese meaning verbose), it'd have defeated its very purpose when using it in informal situations.
***** seriously? That's racism man. Then for sure you should come to Canada. In my own view, Canada is mostly the best multiculture society in the world. maybe I was being a bit myopia
***** I don't understand for some parts. If Chinese build up 25% of the population, Chinese should have lots of potential with the votes, isn't it? Why no representatives speak up for Chinese citizens?
張彥銘 Trust me, Most Singaporean that speaks Singlish can speak proper English that are understandable by Caucasian as well. Less the older generation because they basically never learn English in the first place.
Some of this show's translations are off as well, lol. 28:00 "Oh my god, I am melting!" translates to "Oh my god 我是男生"Hahaha. That may be the case, but that's not what she was trying to say!
Dutch people still speak dutch in Netherlands. Whatever she said about Netherlands isn't very much true... Most people don't speak english among themselves, except with tourists. I've been living in Netherlands.
+shufangina Singapore was a British colony and is a multiracial society. All the races there have their own mother tongue/first languages, so they speak English as a lingua franca among the different races. The Singapore accent is mainly influenced by some Chinese dialects and also Malay language.
I think it really depends on the Singaporeans you get to speak with. Generally the early 30s and younger Singaporeans have better english speaking abilities..
We know that Singaporeans speak better English. But it doesn't mean they don't have accents. Can't u see they make fun of all non English even Australia?
I dislike the singer. She looks like she is the best English speaker in the world. We might not speak good English but at least we can speak. And we dare to speak.
他說的話不代表澳洲人。Hugh Jackman比較合適看澳洲人的口音 (休·傑克曼??) 說實話我們很少說‘g'day’ ,我最常用的招呼是“hi,how 『are』 you going?”
新加坡和马来西亚人平常用英文闲聊时确实会有些独特的口音, 不过在正式场合上他们的英文也可以变得很标准~事实证明, 根据各项研究与排行榜都显示着这两国人的英文程度普遍上在全亚洲是数一数二的精通...
I don't think Taiwanese has the right to comment other country problem. i went to taiwan, i met a taiwan girl 24 years old. but, she can't define purple and people. she wannna say people but she said purple. XD
Not every Taiwanese.
fallacy of composition.
***** 90% of the population is considered many.
請打字幕的工作人員,英文都不要打錯,打Fushion, Though(through).
為什麼沒請楊乃文唱歌- -
correction to that lady guest: when we want to ask a quiet crowd to be quiet, we will say 'DIAM" , not OH~~ALAMAK as what she mention. she is trying to imitate singlish using her taiwanese accented singlish is so damn weird.
That singaporean on this show obviously has not been in touch with singlish for quite a period of time and has weird use of singlish like 'lepak' . we dont say 'lepak at home' , we say 'slacking at home'
contrary to what most foreigners think singlish is , we dont add 'lah' to every single sentence we say. its really more than that.
Though Singlish might be difficult to understand by other countries due to its fushion characteristics, but what I want to say is, Singaporean's Singlish is actually far more better than Taiwanese's English!
Yeah~ I instead of the woman to apology to Singaporean.
The singer looks like she despised singlish. Well singlish is fun! Even though they are hard to understand if she shouldn't sound rude. And I do not see her speaking very nice English as well.
I dont think Taiwanese English has a characteristic accent. You can take some examples.
夏洛克福爾摩斯的英文是sherlock holmes好嗎= =
楊乃文可以有點文化嗎?福州話是馬祖島 連江那一帶方言,和金門閩南語本島台語閩南語,一點都不一樣
下面已经有人提到了,这里就用中文写一写 ..singlish跟英文是不一样的..
大部分新加坡人在跟外国人交谈也会用比较正式的英语,新加坡学生都会参加 剑桥O水准 ,A水准考试,所以用正确的英文是没有太大问题的..
雖然認真看的話 會發現整集都沒討論到什麼重點XD 標題內文不符
Although this shows only a minority representative of each country, this is not the first Taiwanese variety show dissing Singaporean English. Which is rather funny given their articulation of the language themselves..
We as a country of many races and of course many languages created Singlish which combines the languages & dialects we speak daily out of laziness or creativity.. Whatever it is, different races understood each other.
We really shouldn't have people coming to Singapore a few times talking like they really knew us. And I am seriously intrigued exactly what kind of people did they meet here?
Anyway, I'm glad the Singaporean representative didn't embarrass us. He helped admitted some of our silly mistakes and displayed fun in our creation.
We speak English AND Singlish as separate languages.
The only reason i can think of is they are only able to understand those singaporeans that speak Singlish.
Afterall i doubt any average taiwanese are able to understand or converse with us when we speaks in proper english.
Its just for entertainment. Chill. I like how we Singaporeans and Malaysians can speak Singlish/Manglish to one another (which foreigners will not understand) but we can easily switch over to more standard English should we need to communicate to others. This is something unique to us, we should be proud. Accents may be different, but as long as the conservation is understood, it has served its purpose.
Sam Shao 其實看人啦,我說的港式口音就是你指的吞音,但也不是全部廣東人都會吞音
香港人講英文好多都過度相黏 其實我覺得反而台灣人安安穩穩不要亂學的口音比較好一點店
your comment is spot-on.
Alamak is not for people to shut up, it means OMG.
我想到 比利時的小王儲
要學 中文,英文,德文,法文,荷蘭文
聽說 荷蘭人已經很少用荷蘭文了 所以...
不知道你聽誰說的 但我本人住在荷蘭第4年了 完全沒有你說得這個現象
璽衣粉 没去过欧洲就不要说。早年的时候荷兰语的单词与德语异常相似(本来就是德语的一种方言),荷兰就是为了与德意志民族撇清关系故意修改了荷兰语的书写规则,使之看起来和德语相差甚远。(参考台湾想用闽南语代替国语的政策)
Herbie Liu 這就怪台灣媒體吧
不過不能不說 比利時沒有官方語言
I can't believe I read all the comments here...
It's... more INTERESTING than the show!! Hahahahaha
Young Singaporeans and Malaysians generally has a fairly good command of English. Don't see a problem in us communicating with standard English speakers. However those who are not so fluent in English (like Taiwanese) may find it difficult to understand us because of our accent. Well.. but if we choose to speak Singlish or Manglish, chances are no one other than a Singaporean or Malaysian can understand us. Haha, its really fun and unique!
Dan C You can add young Bruneians to that list as well. Young Bruneians could understand Singlish or Manglish because we grew up conversing with it.
I think the English teacher's English is quite good.. he's just being realistic. :)
Singapore is largely an English speaking country where kids are schooled in English in all government schools, and a lot of people speak English at home in Singapore.
it's true ? I think they usually speak Chinese not English because 70% people are Chinese
王萬福 Have you lived in Singapore before? Singapore is an English speaking country.
u mean broken English? 16:27
那個新加坡代表有好多音都讀錯 很不道地( PS:那些語音都是馬來西亞的 )
Whoever don't understand singlish show that you are not Singaporean or Malaysian. We can speak and write in proper English. English is like the easier language to learn than Mandarin, except grammar.
Linda Chan Agree. That singapore rep must have been away for too long. Even his english is less fluent and hesitant than most of us here. And his pronunciation of the leh and lah is not how we singaporeans pronounce in different sentences. That taiwanese woman also got it wrong. Singlish is about economy of words. Like you say, "diam" would suffice, instead of all that mouthful of words. If use Singlish still so "lor sor" (cantonese meaning verbose), it'd have defeated its very purpose when using it in informal situations.
Did that teacher (Luke) say Americans are the most polite? LMAO
he said he's aussie but he doesn't sound like one
Same here lol
+Clayton Li 为什么捏?
Jun Chen 在没有语法问题的基础上,新加坡人讲英语快了的话不是英语为母语的国家的人真的听不懂的
Alexander Xie 樓上,因為台灣是多元民族,不是單一民族,當然語言混雜。我們有諸多方言,中文是台灣的官方語言!
28:06 kiwibaby 說的是 I'M MELTING................. not I'm male....................字幕組也要整就破英文了
就像我英文老師說,他在以前那收費站上看到「No change」
後來警察也來了,也說明明就寫了No change還給零錢?
最後還是英文老師跟他們解釋,他是英文老師,「No change」是「不找零」而不是「不收零錢」
我們自小馬中英三個一起學 都沒問題啊
來馬來西亞吧 感受我們的特色
我們英語也是very good的!
Not all Singaporeans speak English like that Sean! Most of us can speak fluent and good English!
I pronounce the "h" in what and where, it's a soft h.
不是新加坡人可是我觉得很丢脸 -_- 说实话singlish就是一种文化 就像台湾人说闽南语一样是显示亲切的一种 而且也很方便 但是只有在平常才会用到 不要说得好像他们不会正规英文一样 谁会在作文论文还是presentation的时候这样说话啊拜托 ==
像我就是大马人啊 我们说英文也有点参杂 但是该懂的该学的还是要学会的 还有 到底她听到哪个新加坡人说market说成那样啊!!!!!!!!
我去,good good study day day up那是开玩笑的!怎么还当真了。
但是居然看到有人自稱是華裔二代 卻說得好像自己英文很好一樣
+jason tsai 华裔二代是指在外国出生的华人第二代?
媽~~! 電視壞掉了啦。
瑞士德語區人英文是比較好的, 但法語區就不太好, 像我有一次在日內瓦機場旁邊超市問有沒有手信他們都不懂
新加坡人可能有時有點發音歪歪的, 但他們普遍英文都很好, 沒有聽不明白的
印度人的英文有時太沉真的聽不懂, 但應該是部分地區問題吧, 因為印度語言太多, 所以基本上他們都會學好英語來跟其他不同族類的人溝通
日本不用說, 英文爛是世界公認
意大利人一般是起伏太大, 有時聽太多會很煩
Falcon Windblade 韩国连唇齿音都没有。日语还有个ふ存在类唇齿音的东西--其实我估计那是早期的唇齿音的雏形,因为唇齿音是由b、p及hu的h脱掉之后形成的,而日语ふ明显原来应读hu,后来演化成近似fu的音。韩国人没有唇齿音,coffee都成copy了。
手癢就打一下,wh不論發 hw 或是 w都可,只是hw是原本的念法,現在美式英文為主流,喜歡省略很多東西,所以自然就變成w為主流,並不是像陶子說的是錯的.
你那“原本”得“原本”几百年前。hw与w本来是两套音,不过后来合流了,而这英美都一样了(记得看过一个美国人教发音,还特别指出这点,不要发hw音) 只有少数人的口音比较保守才会有hw音。二、英式向来都比美式进化程度更高,去r音,"tory"合成/tri/这些都是英式特点,美式反倒更保守,有某些学者甚至认为美式是非现代英语。而所谓主流,联合国用英式、欧盟用英式,澳洲也是英式,连美国大学最集中的新英格兰地区也是偏英式,所谓美式从40年代以来只有影视娱乐圈打转,所以英式音标可以称为国际音标,而美式的KK音标就只能称为KK音标。
Saiji Chen 感謝糾正。
SE wh在英國也有發h,發w在英國算是偏南部倫敦口音及RP等主流口音,在美國也有人發H,H算是小眾口音,但權威字典Oxford或M-W等都有收錄不至於是錯誤發音。
can lah=可以啦,can le=可以咧,can meh=可以吗
就像前面在讲到cry father cry mother的时候陶子一针见血说“哭爸哭妈”一样的道理
Steven Wang 求问 哭爸哭妈 是啥意思呀?
Chi-wai Lee “哭爸哭母”(发音:khau2 pe7 khau2 bu2)是从闽南语直译过来的,华语意思为:哭爹喊娘、哭天叫地
Steven Wang 哈哈 哭爹喊娘我就知 哈哈 谢谢!!
我們香港人都自小學英國口音的, er音就像'a', 都不捲舌。
香港的話只是local school沒有捉法音 英文學校就會有er了
不懂不要亂講好嗎 不是每個香港人都這樣
Ruihua MA 请多多原谅以及体谅。因为是台湾制作的,哈哈!
新加坡的平时说话混,但是学术啊,正式说话的 我觉得很厉害啊
good good study day day up 是纯属好玩儿 根本就没有那样翻译好么?
刚刚去看了urban dictionary,这已经收录在里面了,英语相对中文更开放些,任何新潮的词语都能收录进去,毕竟不能当它不存在嘛
+黃理 有貴族的感覺 XD
May I ask why? Canada not seem so attractive if I say so myself
seriously? That's racism man. Then for sure you should come to Canada. In my own view, Canada is mostly the best multiculture society in the world. maybe I was being a bit myopia
I don't understand for some parts. If Chinese build up 25% of the population, Chinese should have lots of potential with the votes, isn't it? Why no representatives speak up for Chinese citizens?
送給大家一句話 努力要持續到開花結果 別喊累 等"做到了"你就不累了.....challenge your fear one day you will become a great person....不是有做有挑戰就好你要持續到他結成果實 才會真正學習到....
malaysian and singaporean english is the best!
yeah but u guys could never be called English.
U guys speaking English are like minor ethnic groups people speaking mandarin
Trust me, Most Singaporean that speaks Singlish can speak proper English that are understandable by Caucasian as well. Less the older generation because they basically never learn English in the first place.
5crew u didn't get my point dude
In your dream!!
"I was like..."this sounds familiar XD
我听得懂日本歌曲里面的英文词句我就很有成就感了诶... xDD
老師那good day mate模仿得好像!
+Claudia Ye 难道看不出来他就是喜欢男的吗
外國人受不了的各種英文.....有這麼難受嗎? 華人就受得了各種破中文 因為....
中文是最難學的語文 從白話文 成語到文言文 層次跨度極大
中文是最易用的語文 正裝句 倒裝句 甚至把整句拆開重組排列 大致上還是能懂
中文是最多口音的語文 就算哪個字聽不懂 能跳過 從前言後語就能推敲要表達甚麼
t0919190543 如果华人自己都不怎么想学的话,那中文多厉害也没有什么值得骄傲的、
做人要謙虛 不需要太多驕傲
8:16 good day
They should have someone from HK.
其实我很想说。。。。我们在加拿大念zero不会说 “贼罗”啊。。。哪个是法式发音的说
steven lu 我就在Quebec啊哈哈,有些人发音不准的话会有法语口音
Hahaha "and he was like" "and I was like" omg i do that a lot
Macau 是葡萄牙语的耶
summer wong 但是我們的港式英文也讓外國人側目啊 (我是香港人
jan ho 我是内地生在HK读书,港式英文有时候真的好难懂哦
Some of this show's translations are off as well, lol. 28:00 "Oh my god, I am melting!" translates to "Oh my god 我是男生"Hahaha. That may be the case, but that's not what she was trying to say!
一堆 can xx 那边如果由马来西亚代表来说应该会比较有味道,毕竟比起 Manglish, Singlish 发音真的很平。。。
明明就是笑话 竟然再节目里认真,去台湾的内地人能有点志气啊 你们老师教你的good good 吗 好笑 还有内地的kfc 怎么可能写英文 为什么不写中午 明明就是网络kuso的 别弄得内地好落后好吗
junfangji emma 笑笑就好,没必要认真啦
junfangji emma 同意 那个GOOD GOOD STUDY就是搞笑的啊 不过后来那个中国人很给力 但是她都不屑解释那些词的感觉 但是这样我也觉得很好 因为反正解释了 观众也很难一时间get到 到时候变成自嗨就不好了~
Chi-wai Lee 有些人就是沒有幽默感
Dutch people still speak dutch in Netherlands. Whatever she said about Netherlands isn't very much true... Most people don't speak english among themselves, except with tourists. I've been living in Netherlands.
请问 那个 Kiwebaby 是什么鬼阿- -
其實字幕都打錯了😂😂 是through 不是 though
杨乃文说新加坡英文完全听不懂 好不要给面子啊……
澳洲的Good day是不是比較久以前的用語,我現在在澳洲嘛,都沒聽過人用⋯⋯
張邪 那是因为看你是Asian face,还有,应该是G'day
What/where/when的h说silent h也不是完全不发,拿wat/were/wen/w(h)o 就可以发现h的发音构造(英文里)其实有软化整个发音的作用
28:05 Kiwebaby 說的是 "我快要融化了"吧 :"]
那个新加坡人讲的马来文lepak并不是在家没有做事 lepak的意思是闲逛
+jie lee 新加坡的建国一代才是真正厉害,中英发音都很标准,青少年现在的中文发音都怪怪的...
I honestly think Singaporeans has better English command than Chinese and Taiwanese. Why do they have to exaggerate Singaporeans' accent?
+shufangina Well...It actually sounds pretty good. Definitely better than most Asia English speakers
+shufangina Singapore was a British colony and is a multiracial society. All the races there have their own mother tongue/first languages, so they speak English as a lingua franca among the different races. The Singapore accent is mainly influenced by some Chinese dialects and also Malay language.
I think it really depends on the Singaporeans you get to speak with. Generally the early 30s and younger Singaporeans have better english speaking abilities..
We know that Singaporeans speak better English. But it doesn't mean they don't have accents. Can't u see they make fun of all non English even Australia?
英孚教育(Education First)指出,这项针对成人英文掌握能力展开的调查,证实英文不但是国际语言,同时也是全球通用的企业与贸易语言,这可从求职者及新生代父母积极培训英文掌握能力,甚至不惜花钱上培训班中得以证实。
同时,它盛赞一些国家如印尼与越南已经在过去6年积极提升了英语水平;中国也进步不少,但脚步稍微缓慢;至于日本与韩国虽然有许多国际私人投资活动,但英语水平不升反降。(实习编辑:郑颖 审核:谭利娅)
I dislike the singer. She looks like she is the best English speaker in the world. We might not speak good English but at least we can speak. And we dare to speak.
I think you misunderstood@@
that is just her style ...
Chan Joyce 她本来就是拽拽的 哈哈 这样才可爱嘛~